Gala Sponsors - 2015

Our special thanks to these organizations who through their support, helped make the Sons of Italy 29th Annual Gala Dinner a huge success!  Please support our sponsors - click on their logo to visit their website. 


T i t l e
S p o n s o r



 P l a t i n u m
S p o n s o r s







G o l d
S p o n s o r s



E v e n t
S p o n s o r s



C o r p o r a t e
S p o n s o r s


3-Phase Electrical Ltd.
Aura Hair Group
Birchwood Chev GMC
Bird Construction Group
Bituminex Paving Ltd.
BMO Bank of Montreal
C & T Rentals
Cardinal Capital Management
Caspian Projects Inc.
Chateau Roofing
Children’s Hospital Foundation of MB.
City Mix
Concord Projects Ltd.
Crosier Kilgour/SMS Engineering
Dante Alighieri Italian Cultural Society
Daytona Door Products
Dr. Carmine Scarpino Dental Corporation
Eecol Electric
Exco Venture Ltd.
Fillmore Riley LLP.
HUB International
Maple Leaf Construction
Marsh Canada
MJ Roofing
Mona Lisa Restaurant
Nova 3 Engineering
Peterbilt Manitoba
Pullan Kammerloch Frohlinger
RBC Convention Centre
Richardson GMP
SI Alarms
St. Paul’s High School
Stride Development Corporation
Sych Drywall Ent. Ltd.
Sysco Food Services
Tapper Cuddy LLP
Taylor McCaffrey LLP
The Exchange Group
Thermo Design Insulation
Toromont Cat
WRE Development

Order Sons and Daughters of Italy, Garibaldi Lodge

Copyright 2010 - 2025,  website by John Giavedoni,  photos by | photography unless otherwise stated